+ aku tak pernah reveal sebenarnya aku tak pernah plan pun nak kawen pada umur 26. tahun nie to be exactly. yep, as most of us yang dulu single then tkder arah tujuan hidup nk berumahtgga that would be our matlamat hidup. to be excelled in our career dulu kan. jgn tipu arr beb. bila org tnya, ckp tak stabil lagik. nk carik duit byk byk then baru carik pasangan idup. aku tak nafikan pernah jatuh under that category dulu. and that was a looooong long before i met my cinderella.
+ dia pun 2,3 kali pernah sindir aku; bukan dulu awk ckp nk kawen umur 28thn ker? and then what? aku senyum jek larrr. dlm hati "awk yg nak kawen dgn sy skrg kan?" hehehe... jual mahal sket! alhamdulillah, syukur pada Illahi atas semua kurniaan. yet, semua ini masih tak akan setimpal dengan rahmat dariNYA. aku akur + redha dengan jalan hidup yang dah diaturkan ini. SYUKUR!
+ most of the preparation pun dh hampir settle.
+ borang: alhamdulillah semua dh disiapkan exactly 2 months before that day. siap dh jumpa dgn imam yang akan nikahkan kitorg. hahaha... hopefully imam tue ok lar nanti. but from our previous meeting @ conversation, nmpak mcm strict jek. huhuhu. tapi cinderella dh pesan! hav to build a good PR dgn tok imam tue nanti. it will help u a lot!
+ hantaran: dah pilih which one yang diingini and probably ader sket perubahan here and there jgak nanti. dont have to be fussy about all this. as long as the color + theme suit u, then it should be ok.
+ attire: utk bride dress, mostly semua tgah dlm proses touch up dgn aunty june. thousands thankz to aunty june! sgt sgt berbesar hati. cuma frust sbb tak dpt tgk cinderella pkai baju tu lagik. dia ckp nanti ilang plak seri..
+ kad kawen: design + layout + material semua skali can be considered as done. after a lot of discussions + crit sessions + dan sedikit rundingan meja bulat, akhirnya kata putus dapat dicapai. hopefully, the card will be as gorgeous as it seems before...
+ katering: mak ckp tak perlu risau apaper... hehehe... thankz mak!
+ approximately, 2 months to go! grrrrrrr....
semoga semuanyer selamat, okie!!...tak sabar nk tgu kad kamu..hikhikhik...
insyaAllah puan diana. and thankz for your doa!
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