+ last 31st was our 1st month anniversary and the whole nation was on holiday that day. how good is that?
+ hari tue mmg aku tak sangka akan tiba jugak akhirnya. kata ayah mus just the moment before akad. semua org probably akan lalui detik dan ketika yang sama. just relax and be cool. aku takder apaper tips or anything yang aku amalkan untuk hilangkan rasa gugup masa tgah genggam tangan ayah mertua untuk diakadkan. thankz to ustaz khairudin yg cool tak hengat pagi tue. seriously impression aku kat ustaz tue mmg totally out. hehehe. thankz ustaz for the very short and meaningful moment.
+ cinderella tak sehat sgt for the past few days. "sy btol btol kna simptom org mengandung!" that was the sms last nite. hehehe. bikin cuak jugak wife aku nie.
+ since dh jdik suami a.k.a khalifah kpd keluarga kcil nie, tanggungjawab pun automatik akan bertambah. sudah ada kesedaran sivik dan fizik. org ckp makin kecik. sajer tanak pkai word "kurus". seems overrated plak. hehehe.
r u guys expecting? i mean is ur wife at least? lol
congrats! cant be happier if that's true!
no lar zool. demam sket jek pun. and both of us are not expecting!!!
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