kenapa orang buat pre wedding picture ek?? apakah motif nya? hmm.. sape yg ada jawapan plz share... mmg la orang biasa amik gamba dgn boyfriend, tp trend sekarang, ada special event utk photoshoot before the wedding itself..

hmm.. this picture was taken during our latest outing to FLORIA 2010..

tujuan asal nak pujuk ijah yg tengah merajuk...

then tim n jem pulak yg lebih2 amik gamba.. sori jah.. sabar je la k.. hehehe

jah siap bawa 2 orang kawan lg...
hope after this nak pegi dgn geng bas sekolah yg lain.. (tasy, kyla, atie, nedy, mira.. 1 kelas 5c boleh tak? hehe)
p/s: tim post 4 d first time after being force by jem to post something in his BELOVED blog..
not being force but it's your promise kan? hihi... =)
so sweet...congrats !
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