+ alhamdulillah lots of things dah settle dah. already bought things that will be used as barang hantaran for the past few weekends. kalau nak diikutkan, mcm tak percaya jek. the plan had just being executed several days ago and here we are planning and buying things for that day.
+ both of us are definitely excited with the progress. plus tired too. and for no reason, mr jem panicked yesterday. hahahaha. tue lar, saper suruh emotional sgt!!! saper kata nk buat preparation nie semua senang. lots of things to be discussed and agreed between both of us. but in the end, insyaAllah things will be great and both of us will be smiling.
+ for the record, jakel had been one of the most favorite spots since then. 3 straight days in a row. and jem finally learned smthing about kain kain yg wujud dlm dunia nie. ader kain chiffon, kain lace, embroided chiffon and so so pnya kain. adeiii fenin kepala ana. sblum nie, ingatkan lining tue jahitan tepi dia. rupa rupanya kain lapis lapis daaa. aper daaa jem...
+ instead of renting our dress on that day, we opted to have our own wedding dress. cinderella yg carik sendrik tailor tue. diana ling kat semua house. dia ckp mmg ader recommendation dpd rmai org. did appeared dlm byk blog and website. for those yg carik tailor yg best best, aku rasa this one is very recommendable. mmg ramai dh knal aunty nie. tema warna pun dh dcide. reasons to have our own wedding dress sbb lpas nie mmg plan nk pkai lagik utk gi mana mana occasion. so, the dress pun takder lar grand sangat. very simple but nice n cute!
+ as for today, she had already bought that "thing". dan jem memang tak sbr giler nk tgk!!!
+ alhamdulillah. this is our journey... =)
+ ps: tetiba terasa mcm gula gula getah dh jadik blog awek plak... hahaha
congrats zamey! kalau penat+stress+panic, ingat pesanan aku ni - KAWEN TU BESTTTT!!!! :)
faiz: hahaha... giler best nie!
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