
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

lesson no 44: a new beginning part 2...

+ as for those yang dh tau sket sket psl citer nie, let me spills the beans utk kita kongsi mkn sama sama sambil baca post nie. last 3 weekends have been very very interesting + weird experience for me. sblum nie mana prnah bwat bnda bnda mcm nie. i have been meeting with cinderella's relatives for the past 3 weekeneds. getting to know each other dan jgak utk mendapat approval dlm ertikata yg laen. hehehe. bunyik mcm klakar tapi mmg seriyes nevous tak hengat.

+ we did planned the whole things a while ago. but then, those were the only days available for both of us. tapi mmg tak sangka plak yg plan nie akan jdik straight for the 3 weekends in a row. what a journey i would say. to be honest, i just leave it all to Allah S.W.T. to decide. along with some prayers and supports from cinderella sndrik. well, all the trips were amazing and very meaningful. i would luv to meet all of them again someday.

+ alhamdulillah since everything is in the order, dh start plan for our next step dh pun. dah kna step up a lil bit and pull the throttle even harder. sebelum nie asyik dok ding dong jek but since everything is okie, the next plan is the preparation.

+ so, this is it. the first part of our journey. and lotz more to come for sure. syukur alhamdulillah kesyukuran dipanjatkan ke atas Illahi atas kurniaan rezeki dan jalan hidup yang Kau telah tentukan buat kami berdua. semoga akan terus dipanjangkan umur dan dilimpahi rahmat dariMu ya Allah S.W.T...

PS: next part; it's shopping time....


cdlela said...

=) need to make lots of dua that everything will turn out as we had plan.. byk oo bnde nk kne settle kn. dgn sorang ni yg ske blanje lbh dr budget.. hehehe

jem said...

Hehehe... InsyaAllah bos! akan diusahakan... thankz by the way =)

timtom said...

huh.. seciput je komen???

jem said...

hehehe... seciput? kiut jek...

sejujurnye.. said...

attention to d owner of d page: cari la background yg cntk sket.. ni tk cukup menarik la.. nk color pastel yg cntk n menarik.. kate 'new beginning' tp page cm boring je color dia.. wat lively sket..