
Sunday, November 2, 2008

page breaker no14: u think u r lucky enough untill u...

+ lost ur parking ticket +
+ it's ringgit malaysia dua puluh lima sahaja +

+ the amount u hav to pay at alamanda +
+ lucky enough +
+ it wasn't me who lost the ticket +
+ smile +
+ it might be the worst day of yours +


ajathajar said...

penah terjadi kt aku.
and guess what?
alamanda jugak!
kaye alamanda tu =)

Anonymous said...

errr.. pasal pe korang tak g je tekan for a new tic? slamber je la wat bodo jalan kaki pi tekan.. i mean, for rm25, i dun mind!

jem said...

+ ajat: well, aku ada tnya operator yg jaga department parking tue. dia ckp average sehari dlm 8 org arr yg ilang... heheh

+ faiz: hahah... dh try pun! and guess wut, aku rasa diorg dh letak sensor maaa... hahaha Tak jadi beb...

Anonymous said...

jom la..