+ particularly the post will wrap up the whole week of life and time of mr jem...

+ honesty and sincerity. that would be the best words to describe the whole movie. it is a simple movie with a straight plot without nothing much complicated things. but added with a great play list of songs and music, it turned out to be one of the most beautiful musical movies ever made. juz for the note, it has been rated 8.1 on imdb. need me to say more?
+ this is more reality than a fake. you do meet people you are attracted to in life, share something special, but it doesn't end up being anything physical and you both move on...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita bleh share smthing special even for once in our lifetime...

+ how far will u go in order to win back your loved one? david schwimmer (friends) is the director for the movie. juz a simple and light movie for the sake of entertaining ur heart and mind...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita sanggup lakukan sesuatu untuk sesuatu yang sangat indah...
+ iftar has been a great moment for mr jem for the whole weekend...
+ went out lepak ngn ijat dkt murni ss2 on the friday nite after maghrib. it was a great nite. had spaghetti meatball plus wit strawberry special. ijat had the well known roti hawaii ngan "i luv you". seriously, that's the name for the drink. dia ckp air ribena mixed wit sprite. well, menarik...
+ smlm open dkt nz curry house wgsa maju wit ipin ngan faliq. a simple yet enjoyable ocassion. ntah mcm mana bleh terkempunan nk open kt mapley. planning on having nasi briani. tkder rezki, the moment my turn nasik dh abes. juz had nasik puteh ngan ayam madu plus teh ais (kat bazaar tak dpt nak carik air neh wooo)...
+ ari neh plak, planning on going along with other clicks antar prop ke klia. so, the planning is to open dkt sana gak. we'll see if there's anything interesting utk berbuka...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita punya teman teman yang best...
+ introducing mr prop, the one and only "mr know everything" among the planning students. he's the best and will always be. die hard fan of liverpool and mr steevie g. still single and looking. mmg seswai untuk dibuat suami mithali. hahahah. today will be his last day on the soil. will be furthering his master degree kat sheffield. all the best and our prayers will always be with u, mr afzal azhari. prop, aku ingat janji ko okie. ko janji nk kasik aku satu tiket MU kalo aku gi sana. insyaAllah ader rezeki smpailah aku kt sana bro...
+ and here's mr faliq. congratz for the offer to ur dream job dkt westport. aku sentiasa prcaya rezeki tue sentiasa ada utk smua org. kita juz kena doa + usaha lebeh sket jek. gud luck and all the best to u. jgn lupa rim 16inci aku bro...
+ hidup ini indah bila masing masing sudah punya arah hidup dan tujuan...
+ semlm tetiba dpt sms dpd mak... =)
+ particularly the post will wrap up the whole week of life and time of mr jem...

+ honesty and sincerity. that would be the best words to describe the whole movie. it is a simple movie with a straight plot without nothing much complicated things. but added with a great play list of songs and music, it turned out to be one of the most beautiful musical movies ever made. juz for the note, it has been rated 8.1 on imdb. need me to say more?
+ this is more reality than a fake. you do meet people you are attracted to in life, share something special, but it doesn't end up being anything physical and you both move on...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita bleh share smthing special even for once in our lifetime...

+ how far will u go in order to win back your loved one? david schwimmer (friends) is the director for the movie. juz a simple and light movie for the sake of entertaining ur heart and mind...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita sanggup lakukan sesuatu untuk sesuatu yang sangat indah...
+ iftar has been a great moment for mr jem for the whole weekend...
+ went out lepak ngn ijat dkt murni ss2 on the friday nite after maghrib. it was a great nite. had spaghetti meatball plus wit strawberry special. ijat had the well known roti hawaii ngan "i luv you". seriously, that's the name for the drink. dia ckp air ribena mixed wit sprite. well, menarik...
+ smlm open dkt nz curry house wgsa maju wit ipin ngan faliq. a simple yet enjoyable ocassion. ntah mcm mana bleh terkempunan nk open kt mapley. planning on having nasi briani. tkder rezki, the moment my turn nasik dh abes. juz had nasik puteh ngan ayam madu plus teh ais (kat bazaar tak dpt nak carik air neh wooo)...
+ ari neh plak, planning on going along with other clicks antar prop ke klia. so, the planning is to open dkt sana gak. we'll see if there's anything interesting utk berbuka...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita punya teman teman yang best...
+ introducing mr prop, the one and only "mr know everything" among the planning students. he's the best and will always be. die hard fan of liverpool and mr steevie g. still single and looking. mmg seswai untuk dibuat suami mithali. hahahah. today will be his last day on the soil. will be furthering his master degree kat sheffield. all the best and our prayers will always be with u, mr afzal azhari. prop, aku ingat janji ko okie. ko janji nk kasik aku satu tiket MU kalo aku gi sana. insyaAllah ader rezeki smpailah aku kt sana bro...
+ and here's mr faliq. congratz for the offer to ur dream job dkt westport. aku sentiasa prcaya rezeki tue sentiasa ada utk smua org. kita juz kena doa + usaha lebeh sket jek. gud luck and all the best to u. jgn lupa rim 16inci aku bro...
+ hidup ini indah bila masing masing sudah punya arah hidup dan tujuan...
+ semlm tetiba dpt sms dpd mak... =)
"amy jgn lupa byr zakat fitrah dulu tau sblum balik sini..."
+ so, korg mcmana? dh byr blum? juz nak mengingatkan tanggungjawab kita sesama sesaudara Islam...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita ingat tentang kesusahan orang laen...
+ hidup ini indah bila kita ingat tentang kesusahan orang laen...
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