+ i won't start the post with an excuse apsal aku tak hapdet blog yg dah berkarat karat nie. i know u won't care a bit.
+ the next step in life is owning a place of wat we can call umah utk berteduh. dah lama plan sebenarnya nk beli umah. but as always priority upon another commitment will lower down the nafsu sket sket. tapi tak dapat lar nk padamkan keinginan tue terus. kesedaran tu mmg dah ada. nak tak nak, we do have to start. lgpun sifat enthusiastic dalam diri utk meneroka satu lagik fasa kehidupan takkan pernah terpadam. sket sket kna improve jgak kan hidup. that's the point of life. improve!
+ lagipun situasi market umah skrg pun mmg tgah booming. nak carik a nice location with a nice price tag mmg susah. crazy!!! pening kepala tgk. at some extend, mmg tak masuk akal lgsung. people say we should dream big. tapi kalau nk diikutkan, nk mimpi tue pun kna based on the situation and reality jgak.
+ government incentives for skim rumah pertamaku is much much welcome at this kind of period. unfortunately, rehda pulak mcm tau tau jek baru smlm announce yg harga umah akan naek 20% menjelang Jun 2011. congratz to those yg dh duduk umah idaman sendiri tu and pity those yg bru nk membeli. hmmm...
+ there are several factors which lead to this kind of situation. the 1st reason mmg lar org ckp location location location. then based on demand, the market is crazy. several units launched on the 1st day pun kdg kdg bleh sold out in hours. hmmm... mmg kaya raya nmpknya org malaysia nie. saper ckp org malaysia miskin? properties pun tak lepas dpd cengkaman speculator. those who make money by selling back their properties on higher price. percaya atau tdak. upon completion, the price of your properties can even go higher up to 50percent from the launching date. kesian kat org yg betol betol nak beli umah untuk duduk.
+ aku dh bwat window shopping utk carik umah which suite with my budget. siriyes aku horny tgk umah yg design cantik cantik dgn price pun cantik cantik jek. dh jadik addiction. almost everyday, akan go through properties websites n blogs looking for the best deal.
+ tak sabar nak menunggu cinderella balik. then we'll do another round of surveying and arguing of course. hihihihi...
+ lagipun situasi market umah skrg pun mmg tgah booming. nak carik a nice location with a nice price tag mmg susah. crazy!!! pening kepala tgk. at some extend, mmg tak masuk akal lgsung. people say we should dream big. tapi kalau nk diikutkan, nk mimpi tue pun kna based on the situation and reality jgak.
+ government incentives for skim rumah pertamaku is much much welcome at this kind of period. unfortunately, rehda pulak mcm tau tau jek baru smlm announce yg harga umah akan naek 20% menjelang Jun 2011. congratz to those yg dh duduk umah idaman sendiri tu and pity those yg bru nk membeli. hmmm...
+ there are several factors which lead to this kind of situation. the 1st reason mmg lar org ckp location location location. then based on demand, the market is crazy. several units launched on the 1st day pun kdg kdg bleh sold out in hours. hmmm... mmg kaya raya nmpknya org malaysia nie. saper ckp org malaysia miskin? properties pun tak lepas dpd cengkaman speculator. those who make money by selling back their properties on higher price. percaya atau tdak. upon completion, the price of your properties can even go higher up to 50percent from the launching date. kesian kat org yg betol betol nak beli umah untuk duduk.
+ aku dh bwat window shopping utk carik umah which suite with my budget. siriyes aku horny tgk umah yg design cantik cantik dgn price pun cantik cantik jek. dh jadik addiction. almost everyday, akan go through properties websites n blogs looking for the best deal.
+ tak sabar nak menunggu cinderella balik. then we'll do another round of surveying and arguing of course. hihihihi...
Aku baru ja consider nak tangkap umah kat area aku sewa la ni. Tapi tetiba ja masuk bulan ke-8 aku dok sini, siling tingkat bawah bocoq, betul2 kat tempat yang ada bathroom kat atas.
Huhuu kensel...
seb bek dia sempat runtuh masa ang tak beli lgik. hehehe. syukur dipelihara dpd musibah. kalau tak, duet lgik tue...
tu la pasai. all in all, rumah yang dlm 200-300k tapi cam besaq sangat, bersedia ja laa untuk jadi cam umah sewa aku ni. bak kata pa'it, "anything that is too good to be tru, just forget it. there must be a skeleton sumwhere".
wah.. aku dah pandai quote orang nih. pa'it lak tu! wakaka...
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