+ it has been a week. cinderella has been away for a week. yap, ini kali pertama aku bukak citer pasal ini. aku keseorangan. utk minggu pertama ini. huhuhu. ada lagik 19 minggu. ya 19 minggu tuan tuan dan puan puan. and the marriage was only 4mths ago. adeiii... ingatkan 4 bln tue kjap jek... wat can i do my dear? wat can i do?
+ semua org tanya knaper buat practical jauh giler. well, bagi aku itu tak bermaksudkan aper aper. we made the decision long bfore our wedding lagik. and she did asked me for the permission. i might be quite conservative tpi aku yakin dgn kebenaran yg aku dh bagik. we need to experience things in order to be better in term of everything.
+ and the opportunity been given to her was once in a lifetime. i wanted to see her grow not just as my dear wife but also to be a very good person. those who can manage themselves up to the task. those who can be responsible in all the action they did. and those who are confident with all the decision they made.
+ dan aku confident that my dear wife can be that person. a daring woman!. mcmanerlar aku bleh terlayan citer nie plak. well, bagi aku tanggungjawab seorg suami bukan sahaja di rumah, bukan sekadar memberi nafkah. it means a lot if u can give more than that. support dari segi mental dan fizikal jugak important. bukan ini takbleh itu takbleh.
+ guide and show them what they need to do. make them do the decision. experience the consequences and learn the outcomes of the decision. give guidance and direction. tak salah kalau ego tapi tak salah jugak kalau saling bertolak ansur kan? and marriage life is not just about being together. it is about how u managed yourselves being together.
+ tpi aku tak nafikan since cinderella takder nie life dh slow a lil bit. and a bit boring instead. i miss my dear wife maaa.... and she did left a message to me right before the departure. dear encik suami, enjoy life while there is nobody to scold or bother you. hehehehe. believe it or not. i've already missing being scolded by you my dear. =)
+ so thn dpn dah ader full itinerary utk mengembara bersama dear wife. en suami dh plan baek punya. huahuahua. cuti thn nie kna dibekukan utk disimpan thn dpn. semoga selamat sampai dan selamat pulang. my doa, hugs and loves will always be with you my dear...
waa.. hampir menangis baca warkah kekanda... plz jgn update blog selalu.. sbb nnt dinda asyik selalu nangis je baca..
aippp... aippp... aper nanges nanges plak nie? hehehe...
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