+ this week we have no plan for any hunting trip. just went out yesterday searched for a place to do henna for the ceremonial day. bumped into a small kiosk selling bags, accessories and henna things dkt level 3 plaza alam sentral. insisted to do a demo and this is the result.

+ quite impressive i would say. tapi, akak yg bwat henna tue kerek sehhh. perhaps, have to find an alternative.
+ we did things on the preparation not just only through shopping trips. skrg pun dh byk blog online yg put up quite an impressive price for their things or services. enlisted are numbers of website we did surveyed.
+ for the hantaran, merisik gallery is the place u should drop by. dia pnya hantaran memang cantik and most of the decorations are using the fresh flowers. so, korg pnya hantaran bukan jek cantik, tapi siap ada bau lgik.
+ utk kad pulak, there are lots of good designs thru ilikecard. design dia pun ekslusif since all the cards are design to suits your needs. dekat kanda dinda pun ok jgak since most of the designs smua byk yg up to date and fresh.
+ for those yg nak buat cupcake as part of the hantaran, try dkat cupcake dazzle. byk cupcake yg kiut miut utk pilihan. dkat yatie's cooking dgn anisbakery pun nice jgak. well, selamat mencuba...

+ quite impressive i would say. tapi, akak yg bwat henna tue kerek sehhh. perhaps, have to find an alternative.
+ we did things on the preparation not just only through shopping trips. skrg pun dh byk blog online yg put up quite an impressive price for their things or services. enlisted are numbers of website we did surveyed.
+ for the hantaran, merisik gallery is the place u should drop by. dia pnya hantaran memang cantik and most of the decorations are using the fresh flowers. so, korg pnya hantaran bukan jek cantik, tapi siap ada bau lgik.
+ utk kad pulak, there are lots of good designs thru ilikecard. design dia pun ekslusif since all the cards are design to suits your needs. dekat kanda dinda pun ok jgak since most of the designs smua byk yg up to date and fresh.
+ for those yg nak buat cupcake as part of the hantaran, try dkat cupcake dazzle. byk cupcake yg kiut miut utk pilihan. dkat yatie's cooking dgn anisbakery pun nice jgak. well, selamat mencuba...
nk bg suggestion.. wat la article bout "perkahwinan yg sederhana menurut islam" =)
we'll see. insyaAllah..
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