+ the story is all about max, sorg bdk yg nakkan perhatian dpd org sekeliling. aku tak pernah salahkan karektor max dlm citer nie. biasa lar bdk bdk. mengamuk tak tentu pasal especially kalau aper yang diorg nak tak dpt. max is just another boy looking for attention. i would say semua org dlm dunia nie pun mcm tue. dlm famili, dlm kgkwn... and even dlm ofis. the real thing in this film is the reality behind all the plots and characters in life...
+ max jdik "king" dlm geng geng wild things nie lepas dia kelentong semua wild things psl imaginasi dia nak rule the kingdom based on dia punya experiences, plans and regulations. giler kuasa lar katakan. bdk bdk pun dh giler kuasa inikan pulak org bsar. yg wild things kat tempat tue pun mmg tgah kelam kabut dgn masalah dalaman yg diorg sendiri create. masa tue pun, max nie kira mcm savior diorg lar utk bwk diorg kluar dpd belenggu masalah kehidupan... dan perasaan... aku tak expect yg citer nie mmg full of emotion. honestly, i can see it coming but not as hard as this...

+ well, max did turned the kingdom differently. they built the fortress based on max and carols' idea. tpi dlm byk byk wild things tue, ader jgak yg tak puas hati. biasa lar kan, hidup bermasyarakat. ader jek yg busuk hati + dengki...
+ at last, all the lies and stories from max's imagination broke out to all the wild things after he couldnt managed to bring KW back with all the wild things. megik yg diorg tggu tggu akhirnya tak menjadik. frust tak hengat lerrr... kredibiliti sorg king akhirnya menjadik persoalan dan pertimbangan rakyat jelata... baru lar max sedar yg sebenarnya, realiti tak seindah imaginasi yg disangka...

+ where the wild things is not just another children fantasy movie. it beyond all that. a story of life. regardless of all ages and categories. it tells stories of u and me, and all of us. brings out the child in you, and the reality of wanted to be free and fun. the reality of being appreciated, being loved, being honored, being sad, dejected and even being guilty to yourself. it rationalized u and woke u up... from a nice dream into reality...
+ max jdik "king" dlm geng geng wild things nie lepas dia kelentong semua wild things psl imaginasi dia nak rule the kingdom based on dia punya experiences, plans and regulations. giler kuasa lar katakan. bdk bdk pun dh giler kuasa inikan pulak org bsar. yg wild things kat tempat tue pun mmg tgah kelam kabut dgn masalah dalaman yg diorg sendiri create. masa tue pun, max nie kira mcm savior diorg lar utk bwk diorg kluar dpd belenggu masalah kehidupan... dan perasaan... aku tak expect yg citer nie mmg full of emotion. honestly, i can see it coming but not as hard as this...

+ well, max did turned the kingdom differently. they built the fortress based on max and carols' idea. tpi dlm byk byk wild things tue, ader jgak yg tak puas hati. biasa lar kan, hidup bermasyarakat. ader jek yg busuk hati + dengki...
+ at last, all the lies and stories from max's imagination broke out to all the wild things after he couldnt managed to bring KW back with all the wild things. megik yg diorg tggu tggu akhirnya tak menjadik. frust tak hengat lerrr... kredibiliti sorg king akhirnya menjadik persoalan dan pertimbangan rakyat jelata... baru lar max sedar yg sebenarnya, realiti tak seindah imaginasi yg disangka...

+ where the wild things is not just another children fantasy movie. it beyond all that. a story of life. regardless of all ages and categories. it tells stories of u and me, and all of us. brings out the child in you, and the reality of wanted to be free and fun. the reality of being appreciated, being loved, being honored, being sad, dejected and even being guilty to yourself. it rationalized u and woke u up... from a nice dream into reality...
"it's going to be a place where only the things you want to happen, would happen"... carol

"There were some buildings... There were these really tall buildings, and they could walk. Then there were some vampires. And one of the vampires bit the tallest building, and his fangs broke off. Then all his other teeth fell out. Then he started crying. And then, all the other vampires said, 'Why are you crying? Weren't those just your baby teeth?' And he said, 'No. Those were my grown up teeth.' And the vampires knew he couldn't be a vampire anymore, so they left him. The end"... max

"Now, everyone used to come here, but you know... you know what it feels like when all your teeth are falling out really slowly and you don't realize and then you notice that, well, they're really far apart. And then one day... you don't have any teeth anymore"... carol

"Will you keep out all the sadness?"... douglas
"I have a sadness-shield that keeps out all the sadness, and it's big enough for all of us"... max

"There were some buildings... There were these really tall buildings, and they could walk. Then there were some vampires. And one of the vampires bit the tallest building, and his fangs broke off. Then all his other teeth fell out. Then he started crying. And then, all the other vampires said, 'Why are you crying? Weren't those just your baby teeth?' And he said, 'No. Those were my grown up teeth.' And the vampires knew he couldn't be a vampire anymore, so they left him. The end"... max

"Now, everyone used to come here, but you know... you know what it feels like when all your teeth are falling out really slowly and you don't realize and then you notice that, well, they're really far apart. And then one day... you don't have any teeth anymore"... carol

"Will you keep out all the sadness?"... douglas
"I have a sadness-shield that keeps out all the sadness, and it's big enough for all of us"... max

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