
Thursday, January 21, 2010

lesson no39: cinderella 2009

sudah setahun lebih lamanya kisah ceritera hikayat epik cinderella berlangsung. tidaklah juga dijangka akan sampai ke sini. sudah banyak dilalui bersama. aku tak nafikan best giler lar. hahaha. dah gi byk tempat dah kalo nak dikirakan. and yet, its still a lot of interesting things to be planned. InsyaAllah, jem doakan jodoh ini berpanjangan... amongst the places + activities that have been done together...

+ gi tgk MU training session together. one of my most memorable moment. hahaha. dpt tgk all time faveret football team perform dpn aku dgn cinderella. priceless beb, priceless!!! dpn mata ader rooney + giggs + all the lads while sblah ader sorg beautiful lady teman tgk bola. siap kna sindir lagik "hai, tak kelip mata nmpak..." hehehe. although dia mcm tak dpt nk enjoy the time as passionate as i did, but it was a nice outing. very much appreciated. takper, tak lama lagik awk jdik lar penyokong red devil. hahaha...

+ managed to grab the tickets for the 3rd season of PGL the musical. tue pun lpas she insist on getting that ticket eventho terjual mcm goreng pisang panas. thankz a lot to razi sbb dpt amekkan tiket tue utk kitorg. still cant forget her smile that night. that plan pun almost been canceled due to the time constraint. sbb nk kluar tgk PGL jgak jem memberanikan diri meminta kebenaran membawa lari sebentar anak dara orang ini untuk dibawa keluar dating. hahaha. giler cool...

+ spend a night for natrah show together with her mom and sister. had an interesting night, plus some thrill moments to be remembered. glad, all of them enjoyed the night very much. an experience one also for her mom and sis. perhaps another theater show outing would be very nice...

+ a ticket to aquaria as her birthday gift... jalan satu hari smpai sakit kaki. shopping dulu kat KL bfore heading to KLCC for the main event... best!!!

Alhamdulillah, things are goin well so far. hopefully this is it. wish us luck and lotz of rezeki . a lot of doa and tawakkal (",)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yay yay...jem nak kawin dah..huhu !!

jem said...

anonym1: =) too...
anonym2: mmg nk kawin dh, tapi...... tatau bila! hehehe...

Anonymous said...

thn dpn br update tau blog ni...

jem said...

anonym: baekkkk...