
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

page breaker no31: a house for miss cinderella...

yesterday was cinderella's bsday
and mr jem built a house for her
which one day insyaAllah will become a reality
with smile, doa and determination


Unknown said...

when was her birthday??was yesterday 17 nov..?? same?hehe..btw bebanyak congrates..finally u find ur true nk study blog ni..hehe..daa..

jem said...

alamak, dh kantoi! en neny stalker sy ek? hehehe... yep, sama 17 Nov! alhamdulillah dh smpai masanya. jempt jemput ler study blog nie yer... =)

Unknown said...

haha...tetibe je stalker malker le pule blog ni..i tot xprasan comment sy ni sbb post ni da lame hr ni nk tgk blk.vry d kebetulan la besday same..btw beautiful words touching..hi2..

Unknown said...
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