a story about prince charming who stole a pair of glass shoes from miss cinderella...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
lesson no60: the reasons to write?

+ for months, i do not have much reasons to write anything about. the first period i am adapting to married life. the period after that i am adapting to being alone again. then adapting to being the leader of the unit. adapting to the preparation of the travel. and the period of adapting is almost done for me.
+ journey to AD was fun. we did lots of things. did lots of shopping. ate lots of food. burnt much calories and met lots of diff people. alhamdulillah, the Most Merciful Allah S.W.T. gives us lots of strength and a lil bit rezeki for us to be there. after all, we believe in only one thing. if our niat is good, insyaAllah everything in life will be eased by HIM.

+ overall, AD doesnt differ very much from here. the most thing i love being there is the weather. apart from that is when u being in a working field associated with design and architecture, the buildings are not bad either. perhaps a lil toned down from wat they have in Db.
+ we did few activities while being there. and proud to say we travel from one point to another by using their public buses. the people are friendly. but there are some who doesnt care much.

+ journey to AD was fun. we did lots of things. did lots of shopping. ate lots of food. burnt much calories and met lots of diff people. alhamdulillah, the Most Merciful Allah S.W.T. gives us lots of strength and a lil bit rezeki for us to be there. after all, we believe in only one thing. if our niat is good, insyaAllah everything in life will be eased by HIM.

+ overall, AD doesnt differ very much from here. the most thing i love being there is the weather. apart from that is when u being in a working field associated with design and architecture, the buildings are not bad either. perhaps a lil toned down from wat they have in Db.
+ we did few activities while being there. and proud to say we travel from one point to another by using their public buses. the people are friendly. but there are some who doesnt care much.

i love us
Thursday, January 6, 2011
page breaker no43: sila klik butang Like ini jika anda suka...
+ buleh aku klik byk byk kali +
+ mcm korang korang yang klik button Like kat status facebook korang sendiri +
+ kna interview nie aperkah perasaan mereka di ketika itu+
+ mcm korang korang yang klik button Like kat status facebook korang sendiri +
+ kna interview nie aperkah perasaan mereka di ketika itu+
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
page breaker no42: jalan jalan carik isteri...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
page breaker no41: excuse excuse excuse...
+ aku pun macam tak percaya. lepas kawen aritue ader 3 post jek yg aku buat. wat an achievement. nmpaknya naluri penulisan dan nafsu utk mengarang telah berpindah ke isteri tersyg. makin ngetop blog dear wife aku. so hot! sudah beribu-ribu lemon view. follower pun dh berbelas-belas bakul.
+ hahaha. dh terbalik. skrg aku plak yg duk bca blog dia. well, bleh thn my dear wife nie mengarang. puji wife sendirik nie. tak tahan! hahaha.
+ berikut adalah antara sebab musabab saya tdk dpt menghapdetkan blog manisan ini utk tatapan semua:
+ hahaha. dh terbalik. skrg aku plak yg duk bca blog dia. well, bleh thn my dear wife nie mengarang. puji wife sendirik nie. tak tahan! hahaha.
+ berikut adalah antara sebab musabab saya tdk dpt menghapdetkan blog manisan ini utk tatapan semua:
+ wa bz giler wa cakap lu. bos wa gi nek haji so skrg wa lar yg jdik bos. adeiii... baru tau idup jdik bos nie mcmaner. letih perit wooo... ke hulu ke hilir nk menjawab... tpi wa sgt sgt lar lucky sbb wa dpt gi dua tiga tmpat yg selama nie wa tak terpikir nk gi. hahahaha. nek flight tue dh beser bgik wa. kalau takat klia tue dh jdik mainan wa jek tiap minggu. giler kerek lar wa nie.... astaga!
+ since my dear wife gi merantau, idup jadik tak keruan. makan asyik kenyang jek. mandi pun tak. tpi gi cycling slalu jek. hahaha. alhamdulillah, managed so far utk setiap hari tgk muka isteri tersyg di skrin petak. muka senyum, muka masam, muka blur... smua ada. oh teknologi!
+ ker memang dh tkder aper nk story kat sini. life is dull. boring and slow. dh bper ari tak kluar berfoya foya. hahaha. weekend memerap duk umah or kuar gi cycling. bosan giler kan?
+ since my dear wife gi merantau, idup jadik tak keruan. makan asyik kenyang jek. mandi pun tak. tpi gi cycling slalu jek. hahaha. alhamdulillah, managed so far utk setiap hari tgk muka isteri tersyg di skrin petak. muka senyum, muka masam, muka blur... smua ada. oh teknologi!
+ ker memang dh tkder aper nk story kat sini. life is dull. boring and slow. dh bper ari tak kluar berfoya foya. hahaha. weekend memerap duk umah or kuar gi cycling. bosan giler kan?
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